Why settle for anything but the latest and best in efficiency, technology and interior appointments? With brand new construction, you get latest in flooring, countertops, high-efficiency windows and chef-grade appliances. Several plans even include a private kids bunkroom and a warm, cozy outdoor space where lasting family memories will be created and shared through generations.
Julie Brock and John Ross are inside the gates of Schaffer's Mill every day and have the expertise and knowledge to guide you in your Schaffer's Mill journey - whether buying or selling. Give them a call today at (530) 582-9026.
9045 Heartwood Drive, Truckee, California 96161, United States
Copyright © 2023 Schaffer's Mill - All Rights Reserved.
Access to and use of the recreational amenities are not included in the purchase of homesites and require separate club membership. Obtain and carefully review the offering circular for the Schaffer’s Mill Club before making any decision to purchase a club membership. The information provided in this advertisement is strictly for informational purposes and shall not be construed as an offer in California or any other jurisdictions where prior registration or other advance qualification of real property is required. Prices are subject to change without notice. This is not an offer to sell property to, or a solicitation of offers from, any state that requires prior registration or advance qualification of real estate. Obtain the Property Report or its equivalent, required by Federal and State law, and read it before signing anything. No Federal or State agency has judged the merits or value, if any, of this property. Broker-in-charge, Christopher Matoska, CalBRE# 01942854 For full disclaimer, click here:
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